Latest from the Portfolio Armor blog: Exits, 7/26/2024

Tracked Portfolio: February 10, 2022

Tracking Portfolio: $3,000,000.00, 4% Threshold

(This portfolio was hedged against a greater-than-4% decline)

Portfolio Armor
Annualized IRR: % CHANGE: %

Value: $

Comparison (SPY)
Annualized IRR: % CHANGE: %

Value: $

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Cash: $

Underlying Security Underlying Security Value + Put Option Value - Call Option Value = Net Position Value
Cash $
Exited Positions
*The spike was due to our options data provider not updating the put options for the 20-for-1 Google share split. After that, our split detection algorithm kicked in and the puts were priced at their intrinsic value. The spike didn't affect the final value of the portfolio.